Choose from 2 vacation rentals located in Waverly, Minnesota. Top filters in Waverly include Fireplace, Parking, and Dishwasher. Prices range from $77 to $264 per night. Our most popular vacation rental types near Waverly are Hotel and RV.

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Waverly travel guide

Let us help you plan your perfect Waverly vacation. Our travel guide highlights things to do, places to see, favorite vacation rental amenities in Waverly, and more.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in Waverly?

  • Fireplace
  • Parking
  • Dishwasher

What are the must-visit tourist attractions in Waverly, MN?

Waverly, MN has many must-visit tourist attractions that offer something for everyone. Here are four of the top attractions that should not be missed:

  • Waverly City Park
  • Cedar Valley Arboretum and Botanic Gardens
  • The Waverly Ice Arena
  • The Waverly Public Library

These attractions provide opportunities for outdoor recreation, education, and entertainment, making Waverly the perfect destination for a vacation or weekend getaway.

How can I get around in Waverly, MN?

You can get around Waverly, MN in several ways:

  • By car
  • By bike
  • By foot

The city also offers public transportation, including bus and taxi services.

Where can I find affordable accommodation in Waverly, MN?

Waverly, MN offers many affordable accommodation options. Here are a few of the best:

  • The Waverly Inn and Suites: This hotel offers comfortable rooms at an affordable rate.
  • The Waverly Hotel: This hotel is conveniently located near downtown Waverly and offers a variety of amenities.
  • The Waverly Motel: This motel has a great selection of rooms at an affordable price.
  • The Waverly Inn: This inn has a cozy atmosphere and is a great place to stay while visiting Waverly.

No matter which accommodation you choose, you can be sure to find a great deal in Waverly, MN.

What is the culture like in Waverly, MN?

Waverly, MN is a small city located in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. It is known for its tight-knit community and small-town feel. The culture in Waverly is diverse and offers something for everyone. Here are five aspects of the culture in Waverly:

  • An active and vibrant nightlife
  • A variety of outdoor activities to enjoy, such as hiking, biking, fishing, and camping
  • A variety of cultural events, such as art shows, theater performances, and music festivals
  • An abundance of local restaurants and cafes, offering a range of cuisines
  • A community of friendly and welcoming people

Is Waverly, MN safe to travel to?

Waverly, MN is generally a safe place to travel to. Here are a few tips to help ensure a safe journey:

  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Trust your gut if something feels wrong
  • Avoid any areas that are unpopulated or isolated

By following these tips, you can ensure that your trip to Waverly, MN is a safe and enjoyable one.

What are the popular shopping destinations in Waverly, MN?

Waverly, MN is home to many popular shopping destinations. Here's a quick list of some of the top spots:

  • Waverly Mall Shopping Center
  • Waverly Farmers Market
  • Waverly Antique Mall
  • Waverly Flea Market

No matter what you're looking for, Waverly has something that fits your needs!

What are the best neighborhoods to visit in Waverly, MN?

The best neighborhoods to visit in Waverly, MN are:

  • Downtown Waverly
  • West End Waverly
  • East End Waverly

Downtown Waverly offers a variety of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. West End Waverly is home to a beautiful park and a variety of outdoor activities. East End Waverly is a great place to explore and enjoy the local culture.

Where is Waverly, MN?

Waverly, MN is a small city located in Wright County of Minnesota, with a population of approximately 3,000 people. It is situated approximately 55 miles west of Minneapolis and is known for its recreational lakes and parks.

What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in Waverly, MN?

The most popular vacation rental amenities in Waverly, MN include:

  • Free WiFi
  • Kitchens with all the amenities
  • Private outdoor space
  • Spa-like bathrooms
  • Laundry facilities

The amenities above make vacation rentals in Waverly, MN attractive to many visitors. Free WiFi allows visitors to stay connected, while kitchens with all the amenities allow them to save money on food. Private outdoor space and spa-like bathrooms provide a home away from home experience, and laundry facilities make extended stays more comfortable.

What are the top things to do in Waverly, MN?

Waverly, MN is a great place to visit. Here are some of the top things to do in the area:

  • Visit Lake Waverly
  • Visit the Waverly Public Library
  • Go golfing at the Waverly Golf Course
  • Take a stroll through the Waverly Community Park

There's plenty to do in Waverly, MN! From the beautiful lake and golf courses to the public library and community park, you can find something to do for everyone.

What do I need to know before visiting Waverly, MN?

Before visiting Waverly, MN, you should know that it is a small town located in Wright County. It has a population of about 1,500 people, and is known for its friendly atmosphere and beautiful scenery. Here are some things to keep in mind when visiting Waverly:

  • The town is located about 30 miles west of the Twin Cities.
  • It is home to a variety of outdoor activities, including fishing, hiking, and camping.
  • There are several restaurants and shops in the area.

Waverly is a great destination for a weekend getaway or a day trip from the Twin Cities.

What is the price range for rentals in Waverly?

Vacation rentals in Waverly have a price range between $77-$264. The average price for rentals in Waverly is $171 per night.

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