Choose from 2 vacation rentals located in Lecompton, Kansas. Top filters in Lecompton include Air conditioner, Laundry, and TV. Prices range from $79 to $85 per night. Our most popular vacation rental types near Lecompton are Hotel and RV.

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Lecompton travel guide

Let us help you plan your perfect Lecompton vacation. Our travel guide highlights things to do, places to see, favorite vacation rental amenities in Lecompton, and more.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in Lecompton?

  • Air conditioner
  • Laundry
  • TV

What are the must-visit tourist attractions in Lecompton, KS?

Lecompton, KS is a small town with plenty of history and tourist attractions for visitors to explore. Here are four must-visit places:

  • Constitution Hall State Historic Site
  • Douglas County Museum & Old West Trails
  • Lecompton City Park
  • Lecompton Town Hall

At Constitution Hall State Historic Site, visitors can learn more about the state’s history. Douglas County Museum & Old West Trails is a great place to explore the area’s history through artifacts and exhibits. Meanwhile, Lecompton City Park is a wonderful place to relax and take in the scenery. Lastly, the Lecompton Town Hall is a historic building that visitors can explore.

How can I get around in Lecompton, KS?

You can get around in Lecompton, KS with:

  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Driving

The town is small and easy to navigate, so these are all viable options.

Where can I find affordable accommodation in Lecompton, KS?

Lecompton, KS offers a variety of affordable accommodation options. Here are some of the best:

  • The Lecompton Inn – a cozy bed and breakfast in the heart of town.
  • The Lecompton Lodge – a rustic cabin-style hotel in the woods.
  • The Lecompton Motel – a budget-friendly motel on the outskirts of town.
  • The Lecompton Hotel – a luxurious hotel with all the amenities.

No matter what your budget is, you'll be able to find comfortable and affordable accommodation in Lecompton, KS.

What is the culture like in Lecompton, KS?

Lecompton, KS is a small town with a rich history and a vibrant culture. The city is known for its strong sense of community, its commitment to preserving its history, and its appreciation for the arts. Here are five key aspects of the culture in Lecompton, KS:

  • A strong sense of community and neighborliness.
  • A commitment to preserving the town's history.
  • An appreciation for the arts, including music, theatre, and art.
  • A vibrant outdoor scene, with plenty of opportunities for fishing, hunting, and camping.
  • A variety of festivals and events throughout the year.

Is Lecompton, KS safe to travel to?

Lecompton, KS is generally safe to travel to, however, it is important to take precautions when traveling to any unfamiliar area. Here are some tips to ensure a safe visit:

  • Familiarize yourself with the area before your visit.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Avoid traveling alone or after dark.
  • Carry a charged cell phone.

What are the popular shopping destinations in Lecompton, KS?

The popular shopping destinations in Lecompton, KS are:

  • Lecompton General Store
  • Lecompton Pharmacy
  • Lecompton Emporium

What are the best neighborhoods to visit in Lecompton, KS?

The best neighborhoods to visit in Lecompton, KS are:

  • Downtown Lecompton
  • Lecompton Historical District
  • Lecompton City Park

Downtown Lecompton is full of quaint shops and restaurants, the Lecompton Historical District is a great place to learn about the town's history, and the Lecompton City Park is a great spot for outdoor activities.

Where is Lecompton, KS?

Lecompton, KS is a small town located in Douglas County, Kansas, about 15 miles west of Topeka. It is situated along the Kansas River and is home to approximately 690 people. The town was founded in 1854 and is known for its historic sites, such as the Territorial Capitol and Constitution Hall State Historic Site.

What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in Lecompton, KS?

The most popular vacation rental amenities in Lecompton, KS include:

  • Fully-equipped kitchens
  • High-speed internet
  • Modern appliances
  • Air conditioning
  • Cable TV

These amenities provide guests with the comforts of home while allowing for a worry-free stay. The modern appliances and high-speed internet are especially popular among tech-savvy travelers. And the air conditioning and cable TV provide a great way to relax in the evenings.

What are the top things to do in Lecompton, KS?

Lecompton, KS is an interesting town with a rich history and plenty of things to do. Here are just some of the best activities to explore:

  • Visit the Territorial Capital Museum.
  • Enjoy a scenic walk along the Lecompton Trail.
  • Explore the historic downtown district.
  • Visit the Lecompton Historical Society.

What do I need to know before visiting Lecompton, KS?

Before visiting Lecompton, KS, it is important to know that the town is the former capital of Kansas. It is a historic town that was home to the Lecompton Constitution, which was an effort to make Kansas a slave state. Here are some other things to know before visiting:

  • Lecompton is located in Douglas County, Kansas.
  • The town is home to the Constitution Hall Historic Site, which is a National Historic Landmark.
  • The town has several restaurants, shops, and other attractions.

What is the price range for rentals in Lecompton?

Vacation rentals in Lecompton have a price range between $79-$85. The average price for rentals in Lecompton is $82 per night.

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