Choose from 2 vacation rentals located in Polebridge, Montana. Top filters in Polebridge include Balcony / Patio, Family friendly, and Parking. Prices range from $209 to $416 per night. Our most popular vacation rental types near Polebridge are Condo and Hotel.

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Polebridge travel guide

Let us help you plan your perfect Polebridge vacation. Our travel guide highlights things to do, places to see, favorite vacation rental amenities in Polebridge, and more.

Frequently asked questions

What do I need to know before visiting Polebridge, MT?

Before visiting Polebridge, MT, it is important to know the following:

  • The nearest town with services is Whitefish, MT, about 25 miles away.
  • The area is very remote and cell phone service is spotty.
  • Bring your own food and water, as there are no restaurants or stores in Polebridge.

Additionally, be sure to bring appropriate clothing, as the weather can change quickly in the mountains. Make sure to check the weather forecast before you go.

What are the must-visit tourist attractions in Polebridge, MT?

Polebridge, MT is a small community in the Northwest corner of Montana and a great destination for tourists looking to explore the outdoors. Here are the must-visit tourist attractions in Polebridge, MT:

  • The Polebridge Mercantile and Bakery
  • The Northern Lights Saloon
  • The Polebridge Ranger Station and Visitor Center
  • The Polebridge Wilderness and Glacier National Park

These destinations provide a unique experience of the local history, culture, and outdoor recreation that Polebridge has to offer.

How can I get around in Polebridge, MT?

You can get around in Polebridge, MT in the following ways:

  • By car
  • By bicycle
  • By foot

Where can I find affordable accommodation in Polebridge, MT?

Polebridge, MT is a great place to stay for a few days. Here are a few affordable accommodation options in the area:

  • Polebridge Mercantile & Cabins – offers cabins and camping sites with amenities such as fire pits, picnic tables, and free WiFi.
  • Glacier National Park Campground – offers tent and RV camping sites with access to a range of outdoor activities.
  • North Fork Hostel – provides comfortable and affordable lodging with options for private or shared rooms.
  • Polebridge Yurt – offers a unique lodging experience in a large yurt with a private deck and outdoor seating.

What is the culture like in Polebridge, MT?

Polebridge, MT is a small town in Montana's Flathead Valley with a population of less than 200 people. It has a unique culture of self-sufficiency and environmentalism, with an emphasis on community and outdoor activities. Here are five points that describe the culture of Polebridge, MT:
  • The town has a strong sense of self-sufficiency and independence.
  • The town is environmentally friendly and dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of the area.
  • The community is close-knit and supportive.
  • Outdoor activities are abundant in Polebridge, MT and many residents take advantage of the local scenery and wildlife.
  • The town is home to a variety of cultural festivals and events throughout the year.

Is Polebridge, MT safe to travel to?

Polebridge, MT is generally safe to travel to.

  • The area is well-maintained and patrolled by law enforcement.
  • The town is small and close-knit, so the locals are friendly and welcoming.
  • Crime is extremely rare, so visitors should feel safe and secure.

What are the popular shopping destinations in Polebridge, MT?

Popular shopping destinations in Polebridge, MT include:

  • Polebridge Mercantile
  • North Fork Hostel & Cabins
  • North Fork Saloon

Polebridge Mercantile offers a variety of locally-sourced souvenirs, snacks, and other goods. North Fork Hostel & Cabins features a small shop with camping supplies, snacks, and other necessities. North Fork Saloon is the place to go for beer, wine, and spirits.

What are the best neighborhoods to visit in Polebridge, MT?

The best neighborhoods to visit in Polebridge, MT are:

  • North Fork
  • West Glacier
  • Kintla Lake

These neighborhoods offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains, access to nearby national parks, and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy.

Where is Polebridge, MT?

Polebridge, MT is located in the northwest corner of Montana, near the entrance of Glacier National Park. It is a small community, with a population of around 250 people. It is a popular tourist destination for those looking to explore the beauty of the nearby national park.

What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in Polebridge, MT?

The most popular vacation rental amenities in Polebridge, MT include:

  • Outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking, and kayaking
  • Modern appliances and furniture
  • Well-stocked kitchens with cookware, utensils, and dishes
  • High-speed internet access
  • Amenities such as hot tubs, fireplaces, and outdoor fire pits

What are the top things to do in Polebridge, MT?

Polebridge, MT is a great place to explore and experience the outdoors. Here is a list of some of the top things to do in Polebridge, MT:

  • Go Hiking in Glacier National Park
  • Visit the Polebridge Mercantile
  • Fish at Kintla or Bowman Lakes
  • Explore the North Fork of the Flathead River

The Polebridge area offers a variety of activities for all types of outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you're looking for a peaceful fishing trip, a scenic hike, or a unique shopping experience, Polebridge is the perfect destination.

What is the price range for rentals in Polebridge?

Vacation rentals in Polebridge have a price range between $209-$416. The average price for rentals in Polebridge is $227 per night.

What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in Polebridge?

  • Balcony / Patio
  • Family friendly
  • Parking

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