How does VacationRenter work?

VacationRenter brings together all the short term rentals, hotels, and RVs from the top booking sites, making it easy to find the perfect rental. Select rentals can be booked directly on VacationRenter while others can be booked with our booking partners. All bookings are serviced by our booking partners. Learn more about VacationRenter.

How much does it cost to use VacationRenter?

VacationRenter is completely free to use. Our booking partners may include fees, which are always included in the pricing we display so there are no surprises. These fees are standard to our booking partners, VacationRenter does not charge any additional fees or modify the price in any way.

How can I report errors or bugs on the site?

Please Contact us to flag any errors or issues you find. We read every message and will do our best to squash whatever bugs you send our way.

How can I monitor the best deals with price alerts?

After signing up for a price alert you'll receive emails containing deals and newly available properties so that you can find the perfect rental for your upcoming trip. These emails may be sent daily, or as prices and availability change, until the check-in date of your alert. You can unsubscribe at any time using a link at the bottom of the price alerts emails, or if you have an account you can manage your price alert subscriptions on your account page.

To signup, simply search and turn on a price alert using the "Track prices" option on the page. In some instances on our site that button is labeled with a bell.

Can I bring my dog?

Often, yes! When you search on VacationRenter you have the option to add the "Pet Friendly" filter that will show properties that allow for pets to stay with you.

There is an issue with the property I'm staying at, who can I talk to?

If you booked directly on VacationRenter
Our onsite bookings are provided by our trusted partners. You should have received a confirmation email from both VacationRenter and the partner site with details on how to get support or modify your booking. If you're unable to find or did not receive that email, the partner company can help. For any questions and issues, please contact the company with which you made your booking. See below for partners' site support.

RedAwningEmail: [email protected]24/7 chat: the "chat" button or wait for it to popup)
InterhomeEmail: [email protected] Phone: +41 43 810 91 26

If you booked directly on a partner's site
As we didn't directly faciliate the booking we're unable to provide direct support. Please contact the company with which you made your booking. Most provide 24/7 support.

I didn't receive any confirmation of my booking. How can I get those details?

There are two ways to make a booking through VacationRenter: on our site or on a partner's site.

If you booked directly on VacationRenter you should have received two emails - one from VacationRenter and one from our booking partner who will handle your stay. If you're missing one or both please check your spam folder. The booking information can also be found on your account page. you can't find the emails and don't have an account, reach out to us and we'll help get you your information.

If you booked on another site after clicking a link from VacationRenter, please reach out to the site you made your booking on. Contact information for our partners is available here.

How do I cancel or change my booking?

There are two ways to make a booking through VacationRenter: on our site or on a partner's site. All support, including modifications and cancellations are handled through our partners. Don't worry we'll guide you to the right place.

If you booked directly on VacationRenter
Our onsite bookings are provided by our trusted partners. You should have received a confirmation email from both VacationRenter and the partner site with details on how to get support or modify your booking. If you're unable to find or did not receive that email, the partner site can help.
  • To cancel or modify your reservation, you can visit the link in your booking confirmation email from Interhome.
  • Other questions can be sent to their support email at [email protected] or call their 24/7 customer support number at +41 43 810 91 26.
  • Cancellations and modifications for bookings on VacationRenter are subject to Interhome's Rental Terms.
If you booked directly on a partner's site
As we didn't directly faciliate the booking we're unable to provide direct support. Please contact the company with which you made your booking. Contact information for our partners is available here.

Where is my refund?

Refunds are handled by our booking partners and generally take 1-2 weeks to process. Please direct any questions or concerns to the partner with which you initiated the refund.

Do you offer trip insurance or damage waivers?

We do not directly offer ancillary services for bookings made on our site, but often these bookings can be supported by 3rd party insurance or damage waiver services. Bookings made on our partner sites may provide the option to include these services.

How can I get a receipt or invoice for my booking?

Documentation should have been sent to the provided email address shortly after booking. It is also available on your account page. If you did not receive this documentation and do not have an account, please confirm it is missing and request followup.

Why did you charge me?

VacationRenter does not directly process payments and should not be showing up on your credit card statement. Our partners will only charge you if you make a booking. If you booked on the VacationRenter site your payment would have been processed by RedAwning. If you booked on a partner site after visiting VacationRenter that partner would have processed your payment.

For more information or to contact the partner who charged you, please see our partner contact information here.

How can I delete my account with VacationRenter?

If you would like to delete your account, that option can be found on your account page. Deleting your account will remove access to your previous direct bookings, favorites, and price alerts.

How does VacationRenter use my information when I sign up for an account?

We use your information to provide the best travel experience possible on VacationRenter. With your consent we may also reach out to you via email about price alerts, trip inspiration, or other travel related content.

Can I list my property on VacationRenter?

Yes! List your rental with any of our booking partners and we will feature it on our site within a couple of days. More details can be found on our listing page.

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